Shifted / and other sites to moin 1.6 capta's added
Bugzilla upgraded o Many new projects/accounts created
Tinderbox setup (many thanks to Chris Ball for maintaining/running this) In progress
Build in www redundancy (ie multiple frontends so one can be taken down for maintainence)
gitweb->cgit replacement.. currently pending on cgit needing features - lots of rewrite rules to make this happen (cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/ if interested)
Begining to enforce mentoring rules (ie must used SignedOff By etc)
Making the websites flow together - ie remove the disjointedness of sites. Ie from you can easily see it's part of fd.o and go back to
User/Project cleanup. Remove stale projects/users
Mailing list cleanup
Better spam filtering
community based email moderation via capthca
lots more...