Tuesday 7 October, 2014 |
6:00pm | - | bedtime |
Pre-XDC meeting: Eating & drinking: Connemara, 14-18 cours d'Albret, Bordeaux (Google maps) |
Wednesday 8 October, 2014 |
9:00am | - | 9:30am |
Hellos, breakfast, etc. |
| | |
Input: |
9:30am | - | 10:00am |
[Samuel Thibault - Where does accessibility plug into the graphical desktop stack?](../../../XDC2014ThibaultAccessibility) |
10:00am | - | 10:30am |
[Peter Hutterer - Consolidating the input stacks with libinput](../../../XDC2014HuttererLibInput) |
10:30am | - | 10:45am |
Break |
10:45am | - | 11:15am |
[Stephen Chandler Paul - Adding tablet devices support to the Wayland protocol](../../../XDC2014PaulTablet) |
| | |
Testing: |
11:15am | - | 11:45am |
[Emil Velikov - Teaching Waffle how to wiggle](../../../XDC2014VelikovWaffle) |
11:45am | - | 2:00pm |
Lunch |
2:00pm | - | 2:30pm |
[Ian Romanick - Randomized Testing](../../../XDC2014RomanickTesting) |
| | |
Kernel: |
2:30pm | - | 3:00pm |
[Samuel Pitoiset - Nouveau: Expose NVIDIA's performance counters to the userspace for nv50/tesla](../../../XDC2014PitoisetNouveau) |
3:00pm | - | 3:30pm |
[Roy Spliet - Project REclock: Extending Nouveau with Voltage and Frequency Scaling for NVA3/5/8](../../../XDC2014SplietREclock) |
3:30pm | - | 3:45pm |
Break / [Social Event meeting](../../../XDC2014SocialEventMeeting) |
3:45pm | - | 4:15pm |
[Alex Deucher - AMD's New Unified Open Source Driver](../../../XDC2014DeucherAMD) |
4:15pm | - | 4:45pm |
[Hans de Goede - Backlight kernel ABI discussion](../../../XDC2014GoedeBacklight) |
4:45pm | - | 5:00pm |
Break / [Travel Sponsorship session](../../../XDC2014TravelSponsorship) |
5:00pm | - | 5:30pm |
[Lauri Peltonen - DRM: Explicit synchronization](../../../XDC2014PeltonenSynchronization) |
| | |
X.Org: |
5:30pm | - | 6:00pm |
[Peter Hutterer - State of the X.Org Foundation](../../../XDC2014HuttererStateFoundation) |
Thursday 9 October, 2014 |
9:00am | - | 9:30am |
Hellos, breakfast, etc. |
| | |
Display servers: |
9:30am | - | 10:00am |
[David Herrmann - Graphics beyond the main compositor](../../../XDC2014HerrmannGraphicsBeyondMainCompositor) |
10:00am | - | 10:30am |
[Jason Ekstrand - Wayland fullscreen shell and some ideas about compositor nesting](../../../XDC2014EkstrandFullscreenShell) |
10:30am | - | 10:45am |
Break |
10:45am | - | 11:15am |
[David FORT - FreeRDS and its X friends](../../../XDC2014FortFreeRDS) |
11:15am | - | 11:45am |
[Keith Packard - Glamor Status Report](../../../XDC2014PackardGlamor) |
11:45am | - | 2:15pm |
Lunch |
| | |
HPC: |
2:15pm | - | 2:45pm |
[Samuel Pitoiset - HPC: An OpenCL simulation of molecular dynamics on heterogeneous architectures](../../../XDC2014PitoisetOpenCLSimulation) |
2:45pm | - | 3:15pm |
[Samuel Thibault - StarPU: seamless computations among CPUs and GPUs](../../../XDC2014ThibaultStarPU) |
3:15pm | - | 3:30pm |
Break |
3:30pm | - | 4:00pm |
[Nicolas P. Rougier - Modern and Interactive Scientific Visualization](../../../XDC2014RougierVisualization) |
| | |
Window Systems: |
4:00pm | - | 4:30pm |
[Martin Gräßlin - KWin went XCB](../../../XDC2014Graesslin) |
4:30pm | - | 4:45pm |
Break |
4:45pm | - | 5:45pm |
[Steve Dodier-Lazaro & Martin Peres - Security in Wayland-based desktop environments: Privileged clients, authorization, authentication and sandboxing!](../../../XDC2014DodierPeresSecurity) |
Friday 10 October, 2014 |
9:00am | - | 9:15am |
Hellos, breakfast, etc. |
| | |
Window Systems (continuation): |
9:15am | - | 10:15am |
[Manuel Bachmann - Tizen, a Wayland-powered operating system](../../../XDC2014BachmannTizen) |
10:15am | - | 10:30am |
Break |
| | |
BSD: |
10:30am | - | 11:00am |
[Jean-Sébastien Pédron - The status of the graphics stack on FreeBSD](../../../XDC2014PedronFreeBSD) |
11:00am | - | 11:40am |
[Francois Tigeot - Porting drm/kms drivers to DragonFlyBSD](../../../XDC2014TigeotDragonFlyBSD) |
11:40am | - | 12:00am |
[Matthieu Herrb - Status of the OpenBSD graphics stack](../../../XDC2014HerrbOpenBSD) |
12:00am | - | 2:00pm |
Lunch |
| | |
EGL & OpenGL: |
2:00pm | - | 2:30pm |
[Andy Ritger - Status Report on A New Linux OpenGL ABI](../../../XDC2014RitgerGLABI) |
2:30pm | - | 3:00pm |
[Andy Ritger - Enabling Alternative Window Systems with a non-Mesa Graphics Driver Implementation](../../../XDC2014RitgerEGLNonMesa) |
3:00pm | - | 3:15pm |
Break / [Travel Sponsorship session](../../../XDC2014TravelSponsorship) |
3:15pm | - | 3:45pm |
[Matt Turner - GLSL compiler: Where we've been and where we're going](../../../XDC2014TurnerGLSL) |
3:45pm | - | 4:15pm |
[Connor Abbott - NIR, or moving beyond GLSL IR in Mesa](../../../XDC2014AbbotNIR) |
4:15pm | - | 4:30pm |
Break |
4:30pm | - | 5:30pm |
[Theo Hill & Jamey Sharp - GLX_OML_sync_control](../../../XDC2014HillSharpSync) |
5:30pm | - | 6:00pm |
[Alexander Monakov - A standalone threaded dispatch library for OpenGL](../../../XDC2014MonakovLibrary) |
6:00pm | - | 6:15pm |
Conference closing: Please leave your badges on the table when leaving! |
Saturday 11 October, 2014 |
10:00am (?) | - | 6:00pm (?) |
Social Event! More information will be disclosed during the conference |