
## XDC2013 Program

Talks and sessions planned or proposed for .

All talks and sessions will be in the Willamette Ballroom at the adjacent to the Portland State University campus.


Monday 23 September, 2013
9:30am-10:30am Hellos, breakfast, etc.
10:40am-11:10am [David Herrmann - DRM Security](../../../XDC2013DavidHerrmannDRMSecurity)
11:15am-noon [David Herrmann - Journey through 20 years of CONFIG_VT](../../../XDC2013DavidHerrmannVT)
noon- 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm- 2:15pm [Yi Sun - Speedup Kernel Bisect](../../../XDC2013YiSunSpeedupKernelBisect)
2:20pm- 3:05pm [Ian Romanick - An Effects Framework for OpenGL Testing](../../../XDC2013IanRomanickEffectFramework)
3:05pm- 3:25pm Break
3:25pm- 4:10pm [Carl Worth - Glaze: A shinier way to wrap OpenGL](../../../XDC2013CarlWorthGlaze)
4:15pm- 5:00pm [Keith Packard - Xserver 1.15 release/schedule planning](../../../XDC2013KeithPackardXServerRelease)

Tuesday 24 September, 2013
Project Status:
9:30am-10:15am [Brian Paul - 20 Years of Mesa - A Retrospective](../../../XDC2013BrianPaul20YearsMesa)
10:20am-10:50am [Ian Romanick - Mesa: State of the Project](../../../XDC2013IanRomanickMesaStateOfTheProject)
10:55am-11:25am [Tom Stellard - Clover Status Update](../../../XDC2013TomStellardCloverStatus)
11:30am-noon [Martin Peres - Nouveau update](../../../XDC2013MartinPeresNouveauUpdate)
noon- 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm- 2:15pm [ Board - State of the Foundation](../../../XDC2013XorgBoardStateFoundation)
2:20pm- 3:05pm [James Jones - EGL devices](../../../XDC2013JamesJonesEGLDevices)
Xserver interactions:
3:05pm- 3:35pm [Keith Packard — DRI3 Status and Discussion](../../../XDC2013KeithPackardDRI3)
3:40pm- 4:25pm [Chris Halse Rogers - Nested Xservers, Mir & Wayland](../../../XDC2013ChrisHalseRogersNestedXServers)
4:30pm- 5:00pm [Adam Jackson - GLX rewrite](../../../XDC2013AdamJacksonGLXRewrite)

Wednesday 25 September, 2013
3D Drivers:
9:30am-10:15am [Rob Clark - ARM open source graphics update](../../../XDC2013RobClarkARMOpenSource)
10:20am-10:50am [Eric Anholt - DRI megadrivers](../../../XDC2013EricAnholtDRIMegadrivers)
10:55am-11:40am [Martin Peres - Reverse engineering power management on NVIDIA GPUs - A detailed overview](../../../XDC2013MartinPeresNvidiaPM)
noon- 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm- 2:00pm [Jerome Glisse - Using process address space on the GPU](../../../XDC2013JeromeGlisseUsingProcessAddressSpaceGPU)
2:05pm- 2:35pm [Matthias Hopf - Thoughts and Experiences with the OpenGL Software Rasterizer](../../../XDC2013MatthiasHopfOpenglSWRasterizer)
2:40pm- 3:25pm [Andy Ritger - Vendor-neutral OpenGL dispatching library](../../../XDC2013AndyRitgerVendorNeutralOpenGL)
3:25pm- 3:45pm [Andy Ritger - Display Viewport Configuration](../../../XDC2013AndyRitgerDisplayViewport)
3:45pm- 4:15pm [Kristian Høgsberg, Daniel Stone - Wayland update](../../../XDC2013KristianHogsbergDanielStoneWaylandUpdate)
4:15pm- 5:00pm Conference closing

Accepted talks

Talks submitted before the 1st of August, no particular order:

Talks submitted after the 1st, ordered by receive date:

Slot attribution was done a first-come first-served basis. If you submitted a talk and it isn't present here, this is likely an error. Please send us a reminder.

Possible talks

This lists low-priority/informal talks that can be given if there are empty slots:

Proposed discussion/BoF sessions

This lists discussion topics that have requested slots: