
XDC2009 Notes

Live from sunny Portland, it's the X Developer's Conference 2009!

Monday, September 28

Bart Massey: Welcome, Introductions

SoC review

Board talk

krh: rootless X with Composite

gregkh: Death of HAL

bernie: multiseat with USB video demo

jakob: Debugging gallium drivers

daniels: Release stuff

mjg59: Power management

Tuesday, September 29

idr: OpenGL 3 and Mesa

krh: Stitching together FBOs + KMS + EGL

idr: GL shaders for shader model 3/4

aaronp: Synchronisation and presentation

bernie: multiseat technical stuff

jbarnes: intel driver update

agd5f: AMD driver update

krh: wayland

Wednesday, September 30

tiago: PCI and VGA arbitration updates

eamon: XACE updates

corbin: Why Xorg Sucks

tiago and oliver: Embedded Xorg

ajax: Future of the DDX