
Writing Documentation


This page describes which tools are available for the various types of documentation one can contribute to.


If you're describing an API, the best choice is probably Doxygen. Doxygen allows you to comment your C files and headers inline, and later generates documents from same. For a good example of how to use Doxygen, take a look at the X server Distributed Multihead X Design.


Larger documents are maintained in DocBook/XML format. As of X11R7.6, almost all documentation have been converted from DocBook/SGML, Framemaker, troff, Linuxdoc and TeX to DocBook/XML. The doc/xorg-docs module contains general X Window System documentation, anything specific has been moved to the appropriate module.

Man Pages (troff with "man" macros)

Commands and public API in client-side libraries are documented in the traditional roff man page format which involves a significant learning curve.


Man Page Skeleton

.TH THISCOMMAND 1 ''''vendorstring''''
thiscommand \- describe this command
.B "thiscommand"
.RB [ -help ]
Here we describe what
.I thiscommand
The following options are supported:
.B \-h

One may add additional commands between DESCRIPTION and FILES section as fit.

Conditional Text

Just like C code is conditionally included using #ifdef, manual page text can be conditionally included as well. Use .if to test a variable and place the text between .ig and '..'.

.if !'x.VARNAME'x.' .ig
If $(VARNAME) is empty, this text is shown
.if 'VARNAME'' .ig
If $(VARNAME) is empty, this text is skipped

Current Module Documents (January 2014)

This table summarizes modules with User's documentation, Developer's documentation or functional specifications in DocBook/XML format. The DocBook/XML input format is converted to HTML, PDF, PS and plain text. When installed, the documentation input source (xml) is also installed as it can be read directly by platform help delivery system such as gnome-help.

Module Dir In Fmt Tool Out Fmt Inst Fmt Dist Fmt Options
app/xfs doc xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html not installed xml enable-devel-docs
app/xrx specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
doc/xorg-docs general xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-docs
specs enable-specs
lib/libICE doc xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-docs
specs enable-specs
lib/libSM doc xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-docs
lib/libX11 specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
lib/libXaw specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
lib/libXdmcp doc xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-docs
lib/libXext specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
lib/libXfont doc xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-devel-docs
lib/libXi doc xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-docs
specs enable-specs
lib/libXmu doc xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-docs
lib/libXt specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
lib/libxtrans doc xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-docs
lib/libXtst specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
proto/bigreqsproto specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
proto/fontsproto specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
proto/inputproto specs txt asciidoc txt/html txt/html txt enable-specs
proto/kbproto specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
proto/recordproto specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
proto/scrnsaverproto specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
proto/x11proto specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
proto/xcmiscproto specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
proto/xextproto specs xml xmlto txt/ps/pdf/html txt/ps/pdf/html/xml xml enable-specs
xserver doc xml xmlto txt/pdf/html not installed xml enable-devel-docs
xserver doc/dtrace xml xmlto txt/pdf/html installed xml enable-docs
xserver hw/dmx/doc xml xmlto txt/pdf/html not installed xml enable-devel-docs
xserver hw/xfree86/doc xml xmlto txt/pdf/html not installed xml enable-devel-docs

This table summarizes modules with man pages that are not hand written in the troff format. The input format may be DocBook/XML or asciidoc. The generated man pages files are included in the tarball.

Module Dir In Fmt Tool Mid Fmt Tool Out Fmt Inst Fmt Dist Fmt
lib/libXcomposite man xml N/A N/A xmlto troff troff xml+troff
lib/libXi man txt asciidoc xml xmlto troff troff txt+troff
lib/libXtst man xml N/A N/A xmlto troff troff xml+troff

This table summarizes modules with API Developer's documentation generated using Doxygen. The source for the generated HTML files is the C code which is already included in the tarball.

Module Dir In Fmt Tool Out Fmt Inst Fmt Options
xserver hw/dmx/doxygen *.[hc] doxygen html not installed enable-devel-docs
xcb/libxcb doc/manual *.[hc] doxygen html not installed enable-devel-docs
In Fnt
the original source format stored in git (xml refers to docbook xml)
Mid Fmt
an intermediate format that is sometimes distributed in the tarball with the original source format
Out Fmt
the final format generated by the named tool
Inst Fmt
the formats in which the documents are installed in $docdir
Dist Fmt
the formats in which documents are included in the tarball. May contain generated formats (shown in bold)
the name of the (./configure --help) option used to control the generation of documents
the default value of the configure option if none is supplied

Documentation Tooling

A number of tools are required to generate the documentation. They are not all available on all platforms, and if they are, not always at a recent enough level. It is already common practice to skip the generation process if a tool is missing. In addition, some platforms have asked for a configure option to turn any tool off. This prevents breaking the build when the level of the tool is known to be too old.

A number of macros have been written in the util-macros package which provide such facility. When used consistently, it makes controlling the documentation build process easier. Some macros can be invoked with a desired minimum version. The documentation will not be generated if the installed tool does not meet this request. Consult util/macros/xorg-macros.m4.

XORG_WITH_XMLTO                 --with-xmlto
XORG_WITH_ASCIIDOC              --with-asciidoc
XORG_WITH_DOXYGEN               --with-doxygen
XORG_WITH_FOP                   --with-fop
XORG_WITH_XSLTPROC              --with-xsltproc

Installing and Distributing

In the simpler scenario, when a document is generated in it's output format, say pdf, it is installed in a location known by it's makefile variable $docdir. This is done by the makefile target install.

Distributing refers to the creation of a compressed archive file (tarball) containing all the package source suitable to be independently built by a third party. These are published on the X.Org web site. It must contain the documentation input format, so the output can be regenerated and installed on the target computer.

Generated files in the tarball

As discussed above, some platforms do not have all the documentation tools to generate the documents from a tarball. This prevents them from installing the documents to the target computer. To solve this issue, generated files have been added in the tarball, either in the final output format or in a format for which tools are known to be available on all platforms.

The makefiles have to tweak the targets to take the availability of the tools into consideration. This is where the macros are useful in providing the necessary makefile variables. It is understood that platforms lacking documentation tools will not be able to create a tarball for distribution, as it would be missing the generated files.

Directory structure

The wiki New Module Guidelines describes the directory structure for each module. It generally states that man pages are to be in the man directory and that documents of any kind go in the doc directory. There are a number of modules where documents and man pages are in the same directory. Sometimes man is under doc, sometimes doc is named spec or specs. The guidelines should be followed. When multiple documents are to be generated, subdirectories can be used as appropriate.