Summary of the 15 October 2015 meeting of the X.Org Foundation Board of Directors Full IRC meeting logs are posted at BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/
Present: Peter Hutterer, Martin Peres, Alex Deucher, Daniel Vetter, Matt Dew, Egbert Eich, Rob Clark,
Keith Packard,
Agenda: bylaws, evoc, travel,, xdc2016
Evoc payements straigthened out.
XDC payments for travel all done, Seneca still pending.
Bylaws still pending vote on board@.
Expo migration made (a) little progress.
XDC 2016: One proposal for Helsink, secretary will send an RFP and board will vote in 2 weeks.
ITEM: Evoc payments
First payment to Juliet didn't go through, but with new account details the
2nd attempt was successful, using Juliet's aunt's US account.
DECISION: Future payements will go through the US account
STATUS: Pending
ITEM: XDC Payements
Marke/Jake now paid, still waiting for Senaca to send a bill. Tom hasn't
received the bill from Senaca yet either.
STATUS: Pending
ITEM: bylaws/spi
Still missing acks from half the board like last time around ...
Some discussions about when to ask SPI so that their offer to join arrives when
we're ready to vote. Not yet time for that.
ACTIONS: Look at mail on board@ and ack.
STATUS: Pending
ITEM: expo migration
Effort fizzled out again after contacting fd.o admins (Daniel Stone).
ACTIONS: Rob Clark to ping Daniel Stone again for both mailing lists and mail
sending account (tls/smtp).
STATUS: Pending
ITEM: gsoc
Peter brough up gsoc quickly, but according to Alex we only need to start taking
action in Feb.
ITEM: XDC 2016
We have one proposal from Intel for XDC 2016 in Helsinki.
DECISION: Send a more formal RFP to usual mailing lists in case there's more
potential organizers and then vote in the next board mtg.
ACTION: Daniel to send out that mail as secratary.
STATUS: Pending