
Notes form X.Org BoD telecon May 16, 2006

Stuart Kreitman (SK)
Stuart Anderson (SA)
Jim McQuillan (JQ)
Leon Shiman (LS)
Kevin Martin (KM)
Egbert Eich (EE)

1. Approval of Notes from 
2. Bylaws
3. Press Release for 7.1 release.
4. Status of Mirroring
5. Misc
6. State of Machines from SUN.

1. Approval of Notes from April 24
   Notes circulated on April 27. Although not everybody has read the 
   notes no extension of review period has been requested.

2. Bylaws
   Issue was tabled as bylaw committee has not made any progress
   since last meeting due to other committments. Due to urgent work on
   the 7.1 release KM will be unable to join a meeting before next

3. Press release for 7.1 release
   KM described the progress of the 7.1 release. Release is scheduled
   for the coming Friday if everything runs on schedule. The question 
   was brought up if provisions need to be made for the press release
   as in the past X.Org avoided weekends when making press releases.
   It was pointed out that media are expected to pick up press releases
   at any time. It was decided to contact Ajax as release manager if
   sees any issues.

4. Status of Mirroring
   After the issues with the directory structure on freedesktop.org
   have been resolved mirroring of the release tree has been started.

5. Misc.
   LS reported that on his trip to Europe he met a corporate group 
   from South Korea  that is very intereseted to participate in our 
   community and possible also become a sponsor.
   Cultural and language barriers exist. Mentoring may be required.
   Furthermore LS reported on a group from St.Petersburg he has met
   on LinuxTag that is also very interested in participating in the 
   X.Org community. Since the group has been busy manning a booth
   they were unable to visit the X.Org booth to meet with people
   from the community.
   No immediate action by the board required.

6. State of Machines from SUN
   LS will schedule a meeting with Ajax at MIT to introduce him to
   the location and get him access. It is planned to rack the SUN
   machines at this time.
   SK reported that he found issues with the remote management unit
   of those machines. If remote management is not possible over the
   network a remote dump terminal facility may be required.