
Board Meeting 01-24-06

Stuart Kreitman (SK)
Leon Shiman (LS)
Jim McQuillan (JM)
KM Kevin Martin (KM)
Stuart Anderson (SA)
Egbert Eich (EE)

- Minutes/Summaries
- Travel funding
- Agenda for f2f board board+sponors meeting in California
- Conferences

* Minutes/Summaries
  - LS circulated minutes of last meeting to the BoD on Monday, 01-23-06.
    They will be approved unless somebody objects by email.
  - Summaries on BoD meetings for publication:
    Focus on topics discussed, results and action items assigned.
    EE has circulated draft of summary on 01-17-06 and will continue
    to do so for future meetings.
    Responsibilities of the secretary:
    . take and circulate minutes of calls.
    . make sure summaries are published.

* Travel funding
  - LS has worked with Dave Airlie on finding inexpensive transportation
    opportuinites. Dave agreed to cover some of his costs himself.
    Based on available transportation rates LS and Dave agreed that
    X.Org will fund USD 1300.
    Board members will work on finding a room sharing opportunity for Dave.
    LS will add to agenda for follow up meeting: policy for travel funding
    for future events.

* Agenda for BoD face to face meeting at XDevConf2006
  a. Treasurer
     Board decided that dependent on the issue if participation of
     the treasurer is required a meeting with him will be arranged.
     LS will therefore make up a list of issues to be discussed.
  b. Rewrite of the bylaws.
     - Proposals for organizational changes have been made which have
       not been drafted in words yet.
     - Architecture WG should be removed from the bylaws.
       (The architecture board is still in place but not acting any more
       as board members have agreed to assign the responsibilities to the
       architecture working group.)
     - Draft should be in time for the upcoming election for the members to
       vote on.
  c. Define role of the sponsors group. Some confusion about the role of
     the sponsors seems to exist.
  LS will collect and circulate further items/details.

* Agenda for BoD - sponsor group meeting at XDevConf2006
  - Final agenda may depend on the outcome of the board f2f meeting.
  - Some topics may require discussion with/feedback from the sponsors.
  - LS will circulate preliminary list of topics together with the
    BoD meeting topics to the board.

* Conferences
  + XDevConf
   - Everybody should provide a short abstract for talk.
   - People should also provide slides for proceedings on the web.
   - SK will prepare preliminary talk schedule. Can be modified according
    to requirements.
  + Socal Linux Expo in LA, Californa Feb. 11-12
   - SK will attend and organize booth.
   - LS will provide booth material.
   - Others are welcome to join in booth activeties.